IBEW 477 Job Calls Page

Dispatch for Wednesday June 18, 2014

There are no calls to be dispatched for Wednesday June 18, 2014.

Todays calls were cancelled .

Threre are 60 Wireman on book 1 and 548 Wireman on book 2 .The next short start call starts at #32. The High Desert Dispatch will be closed.

Thank you and have a good evening.

Dispatch for Tuesday, June 17, 2014

LONG CALLS-  4 Journeyman Wireman for A&R Electric to Kaiser Fontana . Report Tuesday 6-17-14 , 10:00 PM start.

Dispatch Results-  6-17-14 - calls filled,#48 on book 1

We recieved a Forman callout request for Dan Hyle to  Ken Curran Elect to the BNSF Facility in Barstow.

There are 60 Wireman on Book 1 and 534 Wireman on Book 2 .The next short call starts at 32 . The High Desert dispatch will be open .

Thank you and have a safe evening.

Local 477 Election Results. June 14, 2014

President (1) - Victor Rodriguez

Vice President (1) - Brian Marsteller

Recording Secretary (1) - Jose Rodriguez

Treasurer (1) - Marty Felts

Business Manager / Financial Secretary / I.O. Delegate (1) - John Brown

Executive Board (7) - Eric Delgado, Craig Gildart, David Hall, Earl Littlejohn, Dino Martinez, Greg Temple, Jesus Wallace.

Examining Board (5)) - Benjamin Black, Frederick Del Pino, Thomas Dillon, Michael Hernandez, Benjamin Pratt

I.O. Delegates (3) - Brian Marsteller, Dino Martinez, Victor Rodriguez

Dispatch for Monday, June 16, 2014

There are no calls to be dispatched for Monday, June 16. There are 56 Wireman on book 1 and 519 Wireman on book 2. Next short call starts at 32. Today's call went to 41 on book 1. High Desert Dispatch will be closed.

RESIGN - Resign continues - June 10th. to June 16th. Please don't forget to resign.

Thank you and have a safe weekend.


Dispatch for Friday, June 13, 2014

LONG CALL - 1 Journeyman Wireman for Cadaret Electric at the Victorville Bio Gas Project in Victorville. Report Monday, June 16, 6:00am start. approx. 2-3 weeks.

Dispatch Results - 6-13-14 - Call filled, #41 on book 1.

There are 55 Wireman on book 1 and 517 Wireman on book 2. Next short call starts at 32. High Desert Dispatch will be open.

RESIGN - JUNE 10th. to June 16th.. Please don't forget to resign.

Thank you and have a safe evening.
