Submitted by sswoboda on Wed, 06/13/2018 - 17:00
Long Call:
1 – Journeyman Wireman for Gregg Electric to the JCP TI in San Bernardino; approximately 4 weeks; 2 valid forms of ID required.
High Desert Dispatch will be Open.
There are 220 Journeyman Wireman on Book #1 and 20 Journeyman Wireman on Book #2. The next short call starts with #137 on Book 1.
Phone Outage at the Hall: Sorry for the inconvenience but, the telephones at the Hall are having technical difficulties. Please be patient and hopefully we can get this problem resolved shortly.
Don’t forget to Resign!
TODAYS CALL WENT TO #120 ON BOOK 1 (6/14/18)