Long Calls:
2 Journeyman Wireman for Mass Electric to the “CalPortland” project in Oro Grande, report on Monday 10/1/18 with a 6:00 A.M. start time, this project is scheduled for 5-10s and is expected to be 4 months+. This call requires MSHA certification and 2 valid forms of I.D.
1 Journeyman Wireman for Gregg Electric to the “Barstow fine arts” project in Barstow, report after dispatch with a standard start time of 6:00 A.M. This project requires a pre-employment background check and 2 valid forms of I.D.
Todays calls went to #8 on Book #2
We currently have 182 Journeyman Wireman on book 1 and 7 Journeyman Wireman on book 2.
We have no Sound calls to Dispatch.
We currently have 1 Journeyman Sound Installer on book 1 and 2 Journeyman Sound Installers on book 2
High Desert Dispatch will be OPEN
The 477 Family Union Picnic will be held on Saturday September 29th, 2018 at Yucaipa Regional Park, Please see the flyer for details on the web site@ ibew477.org
Thank you and have a good evening!
“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” – Lyndon B. Johnson